Caring for your loved one or any other person can be quite rewarding. It can however be very exhausting if self-care requisites are not met appropriately. You have taken on a task that many wouldn't or couldn't. You have sacrificed your time and health to care for another. The downside of this is that I've witnessed many caregivers' health decline as a result of caring long term for their loved one. I've helped a few patients get placement in long term care facilities because they outlived their caregivers. Oftentimes, the stress endured in caring for someone else dependent upon you can cause negative lifestyles that can be detrimental to one's health. Many times, caregivers caring for family and close friends will not make the time for self-care until it's too late and then they often will no longer know where to begin.

Below are some questions to help you identify whether you are experiencing any level of burnout. Answer the questions honestly and if you answer yes to any questions then I can be of assistance to you. My goal is to help you find balance between caring for your loved one and caring for yourself. I can help you create an escape for your wellness!


  • Have you become distant with your friends and family you normally communicate with?
  • Have you been experiencing stress related problems like chronic fatigue, backaches, headaches, and possibly depression?
  • Do you find yourself having outbursts of anger at your loved one when they do something irritable? Do you burst out in tears for no reason?
  • Have you given up your hobbies or anything you loved doing lately?
  • Have you gained or lost weight unintentionally? Has your sleeping pattern changed?
  • Are you unable to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night?

Services available for Caregivers:

  • Private or Group coaching sessions once or twice per month or as needed
  • Ongoing email support
  • Private retreat offerings
  • Workshops specifically for caregivers
  • Caregiver's Support Group (monthly meet ups)

Join Suprena's Virtual Caregiver's Support Group.

  • Community of like-minded individualsĀ 
  • Get regular tips and encouragement to help get you through tough times
  • Get coaching from Suprena to help you through your trials
  • Receive resources to help ensure you are taking care of you as well as your loved one

Starting soon!